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Trouble On the Way

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Trouble on the Way

Persecution in the Christian Life



While most of us have heard about Christians suffering for their faith, we tend to think “persecution” mainly impacts believers in times past or in hostile nations today, far removed from our daily lives. But this eye-opening book describes the various stages of persecution, revealing that persecution is something all followers of “the Way” can expect to face in this fallen world.


Trouble on the Way will not only help readers recognize persecution in all its forms but also enable them to stand firmly against it. The book does not promote a “doormat” Christianity but rather asserts quite the opposite – a victorious, resilient faith that not only survives but thrives as it encounters the very gates of hell.


Sharing from his decades of experience with persecuted believers, near and far, author and ministry CEO Floyd Brobbel invites you to:


  • Discern God’s purpose for His church in an ungodly world.
  • Learn how Christ endured and responded to persecution.
  • Discover how His followers, past and present, emulate Christ in His suffering.
  • Recognize how persecution seeks to hinder one’s Christian faith and witness.
  • Learn how to respond to any persecution you face with confident love.


Paperback, 204 pages



“Trouble on the Way” received the Debra Fieguth Social Justice Award which was presented in 2021 to author Floyd Brobbel, VOMC’s Chief Executive Officer, by The Word Guild (an association representing Canadian Christian authors, writers and publishers). This award recognizes work encompassing themes of social justice and love for one’s neighbour, including concern for the poorest and most vulnerable members of society.