Additional Resources

Voice of the Martyrs Canada is also pleased to provide the following downloadable resources to help you in better understanding and serving our persecuted brothers and sisters. We ask that you ensure they are used in a way that fits our stated vision and mission .

You can also request materials for your personal use.

Note: the larger files may take a few minutes to download, depending on your internet connection speed. Please be patient.

Litany for the Persecuted Church
A litany designed for liturgical services dedicated to remembering the Persecuted Church. (File size: 11 KB)

Jesus Freaks Study Guide
A 14-session study guide geared to be used together with the best-selling book by dc Talk and The Voice of the Martyrs, Jesus Freaks. Especially valuable for leaders of Vacation Bible Schools, youth retreats, summer camps or weekly prayer/Bible studies. (File size: 605 KB)

A Biblical Theology of Persecution
An introduction to Rev. Glenn Penner's In the Shadow of the Cross: A Biblical Theology of Persecution and Discipleship, providing an overview of the Bible's teaching on persecution. The teaching that God's purposes of reconciling the world to Himself will be accomplished in a context of suffering and sacrifice, in shame and in weakness, is more prevalent in Scripture than many of us realize. (67 KB)

Why Christians Are Persecuted
A study of the various biblical reasons why Christians are persecuted around the world. (31 KB)

Is the Blood of the Martyrs Really the Seed of the Church?
An examination of this well-known saying from a biblical perspective. (33 KB)

Christians and Civil Disobedience
This background paper by the Religious Liberty Commission of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada provides a reasoned Christian discussion on the issue Christians and civil disobedience. How should Christians respond when civil authorities require believers to choose between obedience to God or to the state? (61 KB)

Dependency: When Good Intentions Aren't Enough
Western missionaries, though well-intentioned, often unwittingly create unhealthy situations in local churches when faced with the desperate needs in other countries. Their ready access to cash and resources often promise to deliver their brothers and sisters from perceived and expressed hardships. Unfortunately, in the long run, such practices create circumstances where indigenous churches and ministries become dependent upon outside funding to survive. This paper examines the issue of dependency from both a biblical and missiological perspective and suggests way that missions and foreign missionaries can avoid creating unhealthy dependency. (60 KB)

Islam and Society
Includes significant discussions of such topics as: Is Islam a religion of peace? How do Muslims view Christians? What is a Fatwa? Islamic Mission (Dawah). Apostasy and Shariah. The significance of Islamic tradition. Women in Islam. Differences within Islam. Suicide, martyrdom and jihad. Honour killings and ideas of honour. (1.1 MB)

Are Judaism and Christianity as Violent as Islam?
"There is far more violence in the Bible than in the Qur'an." So goes the argument when it is suggested that violence and intolerance is unique to Islam. Instead, it is suggested, Jews and Christians should remember that those who live in glass houses should not be hurling stones. But is this true? Are Judaism and Christianity as violent as Islam? See this 2009 article by Raymond Ibrahim for Middle East Quarterly for an honest and detailed response. (242 KB)

Human Rights, Apologetics and Persecution
Many evangelicals see "human rights" as a strictly secular concept with no redemptive value. This essay argues that Christians need to reclaim human rights as having originated from a biblical world view and that the defense of religious liberty is not only a Christian privilege but an obligation. (18 KB)

Being Christians in a Pluralistic Society
A discussion paper by the Social Action Committee of The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada. (76 KB)

Human Rights - A Christian Primer
A Christian Primer by Thomas K. Johnson

This 2008 publication is a helpful introduction to human rights from a Christian perspective. Carefully written, the author reflects on why Christians should talk about human rights, what human rights really are, the need to understand human dignity and fallenness and how we, as believers, can protect the rights of others. (1 MB)

In the Shadow of the Cross - Chinese Edition
A vital reference work from The Voice of the Martyrs that explores suffering and persecution through the entire Bible. Chinese only. (7.2 MB)